LSU Tigers Fans Recycled More Garbage Than Any Other College

- Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Football fans at Louisiana State University recycled 86,400 pounds of garbage last fall, more than any other school that took part in the 2015 GameDay Recycling Challenge. Participating schools recycled close to 2.5 million pounds of waste during the 2015 football season, the Keep America Beautiful campaign said.

LSU fans won the challenge by a large margin, recycling almost 10 tons more waste than the Clemson University fans, who took the No. 2 spot out of 99 participating schools. Ohio State University fans won the diversion rate category by recycling and composting more than 95 percent of the total garbage thrown away on game days.

The campaign estimated that diverting recyclables and compostable waste from landfills prevented the release of around 3,650 metric tons of carbon dioxide. That's equal to the annual greenhouse gas emissions of 768 passenger vehicles.

The Fibrex Group Encore Special Event Box is a recycled content trash or recycling container that includes a "multi-function" lid and 55 gallon liner bag. Containers are plain and can be customized with your school’s logo or event identification sticker for a minimum order. These bins are perfect for any tailgate!

Work. Play. Recycle.

Original By Jed Lipinski, | The Times-Picayune