Back to School Recycling – The Other Three “R”s

- Monday, August 27, 2012
Mobius Flex - The Fibrex Group

So it’s the end of the summer. Teacher assignments are coming in, school supplies are being bought, and the kids aren’t very happy about the impending fall schedule. While you’re picking up those brand new school supplies, think about purchasing recycled content products such as loose-leaf paper, notebooks, folders, binders, even pens. Your back to school purchase can make a huge difference in the environment.

Don’t buy school supplies that you don’t have to purchase new. Reuse pencils, pens, binders, notebooks, markers, etc. from last year’s booty. There’s no need to kill more trees when you’ve got pencils already stashed throughout your house.

Recycle Box - The Fibrex Group
An awesome website called says “14 billion pencils are produced every year, many made with wood from ancient forests. Americans use about 31.5 million tons of printing and writing paper each year, requiring 535 million trees (most from virgin tree fiber) and 12 billion gallons of oil to make. The average American consumes about 660 pounds of paper per year, compared to 550 pounds in Japan and only about 8.8 pounds in India.” Think smart and reuse existing supplies.

When searching for those fashionable wardrobes that every kid has to have, give the thrift store or consignment shop a try. Stores like Plato’s Closet and the DAV thrift stores have some awesome threads that your kids will love. Even Abercrombie, Aeropostale, American Eagle, Vans, Levis, Quiksilver, and RVCA to name a few. Then when the kids grow out of them, recycle them again if they are in good shape, for someone else to style.

And, as always, make sure that your child’s school has recycling receptacles for the kids to use in the cafeteria, sports facilities and their classrooms. The Fibrex Group can aid in your decision for obtaining recycling containers for your school. Check out our new Mobius Flex and the Recycle Box. These environmentally friendly receptacles are easy for the kids to use, remind them to recycle, and look awesome in their school setting. We can even put custom logos on them to match the school’s sports team or mascot!

Best of luck in the last week of summer, or your first week of the school year - whichever comes first.

Close the loop – reduce, reuse & recycle!